There are homes where the endearing phrase “I love you” is seldom heard, if at all. This is probably because expressing love to one another was not encouraged early on. For many parents, expressing feelings toward a teenager or a grown son or daughter can be difficult. Parents worry that their child may be embarrassed by the display of affection.
This inability to express affection can also happen between husband and wife, or between siblings, or between a grown child and parent.
How often do we say “I love you” to a family member or friend? When a loved one dies, we wish we had said “I love you” more often.Regrets always come too late.
Yet, there comes a time when a parent or a grown child wishes to express more than the mere words of “I love you.” A letter allows us to do just that. Through letters, we can express our feelings that we may not be able to say in person. Sitting down and writing a letter to express heartfelt feelings can be liberating, even therapeutic, especially in this fast-paced, digital world.
Complimenting a grown child’s accomplishments and qualities in a letter will stick with him all his life and make him feel very good. In your letter, list the things of your grown child that has impacted your life. He will love hearing your appreciation of him.
Parenting teens is one of the toughest responsibilities of parents because during this stage of life, teenagers often experience identity crisis. This is why it is very important to understand your teens by focusing on their feelings.
A friend shared a letter that she accidentally found and I thought of sharing with you. It’s a letter that her husband wrote to their teenage daughter:
Instead of getting you a card this year I want to do something a little more personal, and just share some thoughts with you.
I hope you can understand just how proud I am of you. It may not seem like it at times, but I am very proud to have you as a daughter. We both do things at times that irritate each other. But really, these things are small in the overall picture.
Maybe it’s because you are my youngest, but it has been particularly hard for me to deal with you growing up. At times I forget you are not a little girl anymore! Pretty soon even you will not be living at home most of the time. While I am so happy for you, at times I do get sad. You can’t imagine all the happiness that you brought to my life. Ever since you were little, you have been so cute. Now you have developed into a pretty amazing, young lady.
Being your Dad, there are times I’ve had to say things to you that you did not want to hear. That’s understandable, but it’s my job as a parent. The point of it all is – that I want the best for you, (Josh, Jeni also). I hope you fully appreciate the potential you have. I am sure being the youngest has been very hard at times. I want you to know that I think you handled that very well.
Actually, being your parent has been a pretty easy job, except for wondering and worrying if I’m doing a good enough job or not. I want to Thank You for being a “good kid” and not doing the troublesome things so many kids do. I know you are not perfect, neither am I.
So, on this day I hope you already know you are one of my favorites!!! You always will be.
W/ love,
P.S. Please always remember you will always be my littlest girl!
Our Heavenly Father in heaven has also written us a Love Letter through His Holy Scriptures. Do you find time to read His Love Letter to you?
This Father’s Day, how about taking the time to write a letter and express your love to your father instead of buying a Father’s Day card? I am sure that he will treasure your letter forever.
Also, how about finding the time to write our Heavenly Father and express your love for Him? I have written God many Love Letters, which I have kept in a box.
Psalm 103:13 – “As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.”
By: Reva Lachica Moore. Founder and President of Adopt a Minister International.