With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world! (Education, p. 271).
August 17-22, 2014. Six days, twelve gospel speakers, 5 health lecturers and the whole forces of the youth of Mangagoy SDA Central Church together with the church elders and members, successfully celebrated the goodness and the power of the Holy Spirit that leads 14 people to Christ. The Bible Seminar was held at Dampingan-the site where the CASAYO 2 did their community service.
The Preparation.
The youth had spent many nights studying the word of God, harnessing their skills for personal evangelism through the help of Elders of the Mangagoy SDA Church and Bro. Edison Villarente who shared their expertise in different aspects of evangelism. The youth learned to mark their Bibles, answers different questions about the Seventh-day Adventist doctrine and learned the most important aspects of evangelism and that is prayer.
The Challenges.
The area chosen doesn’t have a gym or a hall. The youth decided to use the road, praying that God will not let it rain. God answered our prayers and it didn’t rain the whole week. There was a problem with the sound system, but God had solved it through the ministry of Elder Dapiton.

God Calls and They Answered.
Saturday, August 23, 2014 – 14 people decided to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Pr. Nimrod Saramosing-the Health Director of the Northeastern Mindanao Mission officiated the baptism and reminds the Adventists to take care, nurture and train newly converts to be a good disciple of Christ. It was a life changing experience for the youth looking at the fruit of their labor.
You can visit their Facebook page to see their activities and view their photos during the Bible Seminar.
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