Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reaped. Galatians 6:7
One man, an engineer was asked by his father to build a good and a beautiful house. Yes, he did as what his father desires, to have. But one thing he didn’t apply good and valuable materials for that house. Time came that the house was finished with good appearance and pleasant to the eyes. When the engineer (son) turned over the keys of the house to the father, he was really satisfied of his gain from the sub-standard materials he applied to that house. As he looked around the house he cannot say anything for he knew that the quality of the house materials are not as good as what his father think of. He made it secretly by himself until one day, his birthday came (son) and the father has in his mind to give him as a gift the house that he erected. So on that day of the celebration of his natal day, the father joyfully announced to the public that the new house is his gift to his son. He then gives the keys and all were enjoying except the surprised son. The son was not happy by himself because he knew that the quality of the building was not good at all. He said in his mind, if only I know that this house will be mine, I will have to double its quality and beauty.
Yes, brothers and sisters, we don’t know that what we had done that is not good before the eyes of our God and man; it will come to us also. So be honest in all things. “Honesty is the best policy”.
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